KDworld is a wholly owned subsidiary of KDworld Enterprises, V-VLLC, Hong Kong/Hollywood/Sydney/Monte Carlo/Rome/Scranton.
It is hereby understood that KDworld (hereafter "we," "our," or "us") and the visitor/user/reader (hereafter "you") are entering into a completely non-binding agreement, in a very real and legally binding sense.
Whereas KDworld does provide communiques based on our mission statement (see mission statement),* we distinctly and steadfastly declare that under no circumstances (hereafter "no way," "no how," "none of your business") shall we be held accountable, responsible, or liable for, or attached to, or in any way associated with anything we should do (or not do).
We further stipulate and declare that KDworld is hereby absolved by the undersigned you (including but not limited to your: friends, neighbors, relatives, loved ones, pets, assignees, trustees, notaries, Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these) of any and all everything. EVER. This includes, but is not limited to: thoughts; activities; acts of god; acts of war; acts of random kindness; acts of deliberate cruelty; Acts 1, 4, and 5 of Henry IV Part I, particularly Act 1, Scene II, where Hal pretends to be fun; effects real or imagined; or conclusions, we conclude.
Furthermore, we insist that the assertions ubi supra by no means constitute a promise to produce, deliver, create, hand over, or in any other such way give (or even "Indian give") anything to anyone. EVER.
And another thing: In the event of any of the above conditions being in either the positive or the negative, we are absolutely, unequivocally unaccountable for any such item, which you may or may not have received from us (or anyone else), either allegedly or otherwise.
However, in the unlikely event of a water landing, or should we be deemed somehow responsible for anything--EVER--certain responsibility blackout dates do apply: Nov22-Jan4, May18-Jun9, Aug31-Sep10, summer, Indian summer, Sep11-Oct31, Feb14, Dec 25-Jun20, Oct6-Nov24.
Let it be hereby concluded, forthwith, that through your acceptance of this disclaimer KDworld and all its holdings, subsidiaries, trustees, assignees, employees, homies, or legalese, either past, present, or future, are completely absolved of any assertion whatsoever, on the part of anyone. ANYWHERE. And finally, KDworld is given carte blanche to determine any and all legal ramifications, implications, and suggestions regarding anything.
For a complete version of the KDworld disclaimer, along with the helpful handbook Helpful Hints to Understanding the KDworld Disclaimer, send $9.95 to:
KDworld Enterprises 5425 Russell Ave. #18 Los Angeles, CA. 90027 Attn: Department of Disclaimers and Legal Posturing
* Value-added is a registered trademark of The Very Big Corporation of America C, R, TM, et al.